New Family


If your child is a current JEMs child (or if your child attended camp or JEMs from January 2018 onwards) please click here.

Instructions for enrolling new children:

Please read the following instructions before entering the enrolment portal ABOVE

  • You will be asked to create an account (as this is a NEW portal you will need to create a new account, including for returning camp children, unless your child has been enrolled in JEMs or you have already created an account since January 2018), we apologise for the inconvenience.
  • It is a multi child enrolment form (only 1 form needs to be filled in per family)
  • Returning camp children should be added to this form as well
  • The first time using the portal to enrol will take 10-15 min, however it will save all your details for future enrolments, camps, etc
  • We suggest using a tablet or a computer
  • Please take the time to fill in this form accurately – you will need to fill out all the fields marked with an * to submit this form.

Steps of enrolment

To summarise the enrolment process is made up of 3 steps:

  1. Creating a online account on the new portal
  2. Registering your child / children (including providing parent details, emergency contacts, child’s details & direct debit) using the “new child(ren) button”
  3. Clicking on “camp registration” and choosing your child’s days (for future camps only this step will need to be completed). 

The following info will be needed to complete the form:

  • Medicare #
  • Child’s healthcare provider, address & phone number
  • Medical management plans, court orders (if applicable)
  • CRN (Centrelink reference numbers) for new children only – (if you don’t have one you can submit it at a later time)
  • Credit card or bank account details (for new families)
  • Emergency contacts (other then parents) – anyone authorised to collect your child should be entered in this section


Enrolment portal

We look forward to welcoming your child to JEMS!

Please fill in every field with an *asterix and then click submit at the end of the form. More guidance below, if needed. If you have any questions call or text Rabbi Yossi on 0450 524 770.

Children will be required to wear a JEMs shirt (so staff can easily identify them). Shirts will be available for purchase ($18) at drop off, if needed.